While visiting friends in Anchorage Alaska over Christmas Holiday it seemed that the moose decided not to let me get any pictures. The first night there, while riding from the airport to the house, a very old moose crossed the road in front of us. However, with it being 1 oclock in the morning, we just starting to think about recovering from our 17 hour ordeal of the flight and I just didn't have the sense or the energy to get my camera out. After four days of moose searching and started thinking that Alaska really doesn't have any moose, my sweet, lovely woman saw one near the airport but it was behind a fence.
After 4 more days, and d
isappointment setting in because we only have 2 days left, we were traveling near a small lake, as we passed the end of the lake I saw a glimps of what I thought was and yelled out loudly "MOOSE". We turned around and parked. Started walking to where I yelled "MOOSE" and we started thinking that it must have been a mound of dirt or a large fallen tree. Than we saw movement, and there was the moose I saw from the road, all of a sudden her young bull moose walked around the trees! I was so excited that I didn't care that my hands were starting to freeze in position on the camera, yes it was about 12 degrees, one of the warmer days. They seemed not to be afraid of us because both momma and her young son kept coming to us.

I climbed the bank that went up to the road while they kept coming closer and closer. I was up to my hips in snow, sitting on the side of a hill with these two moose in front of me and traffic behind me. It took about 2 hours for my fingers to finally thaw out enough for the pain to start. It was all worth it, no real frost bite on my fingers and no moose were injured in the above photo sequence.